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Become A Private Lender

Now that you understand the concept of Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt, here is more information regarding Buying & Selling Debt Contracts As A Profitable Investment!

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Discounted Debt As A Long Term Passive Investment

Investing into Buying Discounted Debt as a Long Term Investment is very Profitable & extremely safe thanks to our Lender Guarantee Assurance Fund 

When Buying Debt, What Is The Objective?

It is to buy the Debt less than the Principle Amount Owned.

For example:  If you can buy a Debt where the Borrower owes $48,000 but you Purchased The Debt for $20,000, that would be a Great Deal!

How is this accomplished?

 By being in a Power Position while Conveyancing is being completed.

What is Conveyancing?  

Conveyancing is simply Checks & Balances, the Private Lenders Funds in exchange for the Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt produced by the clients present Creditor. 


As a Private Lender, it is crucial to audit all loans (request Proof Of Ownership Of Debt) while completing Conveyancing / paying out the Debts being consolidated.


Debt is Bought & Sold everyday, therefore the clients Creditor may have already sold the debt! If Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt Is NOT produced by the creditor before paying out the overdue balance


you could be forwarding funds to the incorrect entity & that could put everyone in a compromising position should someone produce Proof Of Ownership Of Debt further down the line.


This is why we always ask for Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt when Buying & Selling Debt as an investment.

When A Creditor Sells A Debt They Are Not Obligated To Notify The Borrower

Unless explicitly requested, Creditors are not obligated to notify you if they have sold your debt. Considering Debt is sold everyday, this means if the Creditor Sold The Debt to another Lender, and you the Private Lender pays out the Creditor without seeing Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt, that Creditor would have been Paid Twice !

How Does Understanding the Process Of Auditing Loans / Requesting Proof Of Ownership Of The Debt Within the Conveyancing Process Allow you to Purchase Debt at a Discount&Profit?

If the Creditor Cannot Prove Ownership Of The Debt, You Have Just Found Yourself

A Profitable Deal !  

All debt created by the Bank is either kept for their long-term portfolio or sold.  If the Bank sold the debt and you position yourself correctly within the Conveyancing Process,  it is possible to buy $48,000 of debt for $20,000 simply by using Our Administrative Conveyance Techniques when Auditing Loans. 

The Loan Auditing Process has been around for centuries and is now being used by Private Lenders / Investors to purchase debt at large discounts!

How Much Money Can I Make Investing In Discounted Debt?

In An Average Discounted Debt Deal You Will Purchase The Debt At a 50% Discount!


For Example...

Purchasing a $40,000,00 Debt for only $20,000.00. 


Taking into account the Interest Rate Charged over a 5 Year Term you have now made your $20,000.00 initial investment into $55,843.80 receiving $930.73 Monthly Passive Income for 5 Years!

On average we have seen our Loan Auditing Process allow Private Lenders to turn $20,000 Into Over $50,000

Our Buy&Sell Discounted Debt System creates an amazing safe long term Investment when you take into consideration our Lender Guarantee Assurance Fund


Sell Your Discounted Debt To Make A Quick Profit Creating Safe Short Term Investments

In An Average Discounted Debt Purchase You Will Be Purchasing The Debt At A 50% Discount. For Example...


Purchasing a $40,000,00 Debt for only $20,000.00.​

Taking into account the Interest Rate Charged over a 5 year Term you have now made your $20,000.00 initial investment into $55,843.80 receiving $930.73 Monthly Passive Income for 5 Years!

If you bought a $40,000 Debt worth $55,843.80 (Including Interest) for $20,000.00 then SOLD it for $27000.00 You Would Have Profited $7,000.00!

It is very similar to buying any Asset at a Discount such as a car and selling it for more.

The amount of Time it takes you to sell the Asset (Debt) is what really matters now!​

Where Do I Find Investors With Money To Sell My Discounted Debt To? 

We Will Share OUR PROVEN Money Raising Techniques With You!


Raising Money To Sell Discounted Debt Contracts Will Place You Into The Venture Capitalist Industry!​

To Be Considered A Venture Capitalist You Must Be Communicating With Individuals On A Daily Basis Who Have Money... While Discussing Investment Opportunities.


With OUR PROVEN Money Raising Techniques We will have you communicating with individuals who have Money by letting you in on all our Free Marketing Secrets 

We Keep these secrets only available for Private Lenders Interested in partnering with us, We will allow you to shadow us & share our proven money raising techniques for three months for free before you decide if you'd like to partner! 


The Lender Guarantee Assurance Fund

To make this investment as safe as possible, we have developed an Assurance Fund that will replace any debts that go delinquent.  

A debt is considered delinquent when A borrower misses three payments in a row!​

How the assurance find works is very simple. You will pay $20.00/ month for assurance    on your investment, If the borrower misses three payments we will take that contract back & replace It with another of equal or greater value!


How Can This Work?​


Because our debt contract buyers network buys the loans at such a discount, taking the loan back and renegotiating it at a lower payment still yields large returns.  


Worse case scenario if the Borrower refuses to pay us after taking back the loan and renegotiating a lower payment, the Debt Contract Buyers Network has partnerships with Lawyers who will collect via liens on assets pro bono.

This again is a profitable arrangement with the Lawyers due to us purchasing the Debt at such a discount via our conveyance techniques.


​This guarantee will eventually build you a reliable passive investment portfolio!

Get in Touch

If you are interested in becoming a private lender or have any questions please Contact Us

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